There are two primary ways to help people in other countries in ministry -- provide consistent donations, which results in their dependence on American donors, or invest in teaching them to sustain themselves. While there are situations that can only be resolved temporarily by helping people solve an immediate problem, obviously the better long-term goal is sustainability.
The Lord is using NLBI Trainers to help people learn to become self-sustaining.
Trainer Duncan Ojiambo in Uganda is a great example. The preacher training schools he has started, including Karamoja Bible and Vocational School (KVBS), help students grow spiritually and learn a trade.
Upon graduation from KBVS, one student shared her testimony of transformation. Prior to attending the school, the only means she had of earning a living was "going to the bush to collect firewood or cut trees to burn charcoal. Both of these are hard and risky jobs and would not earn more than $13.53 (US dollars) a month," she said. "But my story changed when I accepted Christ as the Lord of my life." When she learned about the opportunity to take Biblical studies classes and learn vocational skills at KBVS, "I enrolled immediately, and today my life and family have been blessed abundantly," she shared.
Because Gloria learned hair dressing skills at KBVS, she earned $105.56 (US dollars) over the Christmas season, which she used to buy "nice Christmas food for the family and Christmas clothes for my children." With the remaining amount, she and her husband bought seven iron sheets, which are building materials. They plan to work and buy seven more iron sheets and construct a house for their family.
"It will be my first time to own and live in a house which is not grass thatched. How could I ever dream of an iron sheet house and co-owning a salon business if it weren't for Christ working through Karamoja Bible and Vocational School?! Thank you to our donors and our preachers. May God continue using you to bring transformation to Karamoja," she joyfully commented.